‘Tis the season to be jolly…don’t let your building spoil the fun

As the chilly season arrives with a bang, you may not want to think about sowing seeds – but the onset of winter is always a good time to start forward planning when it comes to your property. With a potential big freeze predicted to hit the UK and last well into 2014, the first step is to ensure you have every angle covered when it comes to protecting your property from the ravages of winter. Buildings are often a company’s major investment, and a failure to address basic maintenance issues can be costly if left to linger over time.
From minor leak to major hassle
To us, buildings are relatively simple. They need a good roof to keep the weather at bay, free-flowing and intact rainwater goods and services, sound windows and protected woodwork. But neglect any of these at your own risk. The cost of a small leak that is allowed to continue unhindered could increase massively over time if allowed to penetrate into woodwork and walls. There is also the issue of potential damage that could affect the contents of the building, whether that is stock, expensive furniture or equipment.
By casting our experienced eyes over the condition of a building, and conducting more specific investigations, we can diagnose defects, highlight potential problems, suggest remedies and arrange for works to be carried out on a clients’ behalf.
It may be time to think about implementing a planned maintenance schedule!
Now is the time to set your resolutions, there’s no need to wait until the New Year. One of your resolutions should be to ensure that you are aware of all the potential costs and pitfalls of your property during the following year so you can budget accordingly and plan in advance.
By getting a Chartered Surveyor to assess the condition of a building and plan the necessary maintenance, you can prioritise work by urgency and budget available. With our experience and understanding of construction we can devise a plan to suit your business, any plans you have and above all ensure your financial position is protected regarding your property.
Adequate insurance
It is vital to ensure that you have the correct reinstatement valuations for your building in case of fire and other perils. Many insurance policies allow customers to guess the cover they require and leave themselves vulnerable if the worst was to occur. We would also advise clients to check they have the correct cover for any vacant periods, e.g. over Christmas period when buildings may be empty for a prolonged period of time. Security to doors and windows and protection from adverse weather conditions must also be considered. If you wish to check you have sufficient cover we can carry out a valuation on your behalf and indicate any potential problems your building faces.
Planning for the new financial year
Once Christmas is over it will not be long until the end of the financial year. Forward planning with your property will help you achieve your business objectives for the 2014/15 period and will help your business or organisation to grow and flourish. We have assisted many clients to make vital business decisions by reviewing leases, negotiating dilapidations claims and conducting feasibility studies on both potential and existing properties and the impact of any changes to property on those businesses.
If you would like more information on our range of professional property services please call 0118 9892310 or email info@morseconsultants.com.